Like most people you take pictures using your smart phone, but never get around to transferring them to your computer. You could have your phone automatically transfer it to your on-line storage but that involves using the internet. A much better way is to transfer them by WiFi.
The app that I recommend for this job is Cheetah Sync. This app can be set to synchronise an entire folder (say your pictures) every day at a certain time. So it can be set and forget, safely knowing that those precious photos are backed-up.
It does require a program be installed on your PC, but installation is quick and painless.
The program has a good list of options including, sync direction ( to mobile device or from, or both ways) as well as syncing deletes. Syncing deletes means that when a file is deleted on one device, Say a blurry photo for example, it is deleted on the mobile device on the next sync as well.
The free version is limited to syncing one folder, but I purchased the app so that It could do the documents I create on my tablet as well.